These were taken almost a month ago when Garret was 3 months old. I can't believe he is already almost 4 months!! Anyways I wanted pictures of him but didn't really want to pay so we kind of made up our own at my parents house because my dad has a pretty good camera for work. I personally think they turned out very cute!! This was just a fun fast one he more looks suprised that the basket ball is as big as he is haha but soon enough dad will have him bouncing the ball and getting ready to play. If he doesn't take his hight from his mom that is!!
Garret LOVES his baths!! We don't have a tub but we make it work. We do have a plastic tub that can go over the sink that my sister is letting us borrow ( thank you tiff ) but on this day we just decided to try this out. It did the job but we will be getting out the plastic one for now. Doesn't he look so sweet!!! haha
Garret LOVES his baths!! We don't have a tub but we make it work. We do have a plastic tub that can go over the sink that my sister is letting us borrow ( thank you tiff ) but on this day we just decided to try this out. It did the job but we will be getting out the plastic one for now. Doesn't he look so sweet!!! haha
Garret also loves anything soft!! He will stick his face into it. And if he's not doing that he's got ahold of it so that it's by his fast. And if he doesn't have a blanket he is soaking mom's shirt rubbing against my shoulder.